
Federal regulations require that a student receiving federal financial aid make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the st和ards set by the College 和 the federal government. 这些限制包括所有入学条款,无论是否授予或接受资助.  令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准也适用于国家援助.  Progress is measured throughout the academic program by the student’s cumulative grade point average (Qualitative) 和 by credits earned as a percentage of those attempted (Quantitative or Pace of Completion).  除了, 学生必须在修满课程所需学分的150%之前完成课程. 学院财政援助办公室将在奖学金发放前和每学期成绩公布后评估学生的学业进展情况, 从他们入学的第一学期开始. Some career studies certificate programs (see the WCC 金融援助 webpage for a listing of 金融援助 Eligible 项目 at WCC) are ineligible for student financial aid, 但这些学分将计入所有SAP要求(GPA), 完成率, 最大的时间, 和发展最大值),如果学生后来注册了一个合格的项目.

I. 学生资助状况

  1. 金融援助 Good St和ing (GS) – Students who are meeting all aspects of the satisfactory academic progress policy or successfully following a designated academic progress plan.
  2. 金融援助 Warning Status (WS) – Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress for the first time (excluding students who have already attempted 150% of the credits required for their programs of study) will be automatically placed in a Warning Status for one (1) term 和 are expected to meet SAP requirements by the end of that term.  Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the end of the warning status term will be placed on financial aid suspension.  然而, 成功的SAP申诉, 这些学生将获得经济援助缓刑,并保留经济援助资格. 
  3. 经济援助缓刑状态(PS) -成功上诉经济援助暂停的学生将被置于缓刑状态(PS). 试用状态(PS)的学生有资格获得一(1)学期的经济援助, after which they MUST be in Good St和ing (GS) or meeting the requirements of an academic progress plan that was pre-approved by the College 金融援助 Office. (见“四世. “呼吁”提供更多资料.)
  4. 财政援助暂停状态(SS) -学生谁不符合学分进度时间表和/或累计平均绩点标准, 或未能达到预先批准的学业进步计划要求的学生, 将被置于休学状态(SS). 处于休学状态(SS)的学生没有资格获得经济援助.
  5. Academic Suspension (AS) – Academic requirements for avoiding warning status 和 staying in school differ from financial aid requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress.  Academic status will be noted on registration records; financial aid status will be noted on financial aid pages in SIS.  任何因学术或行为原因被学院停学的学生自动没有资格获得经济援助.

II. 评估进展

A. 数量标准或完成速度

完成率(67%规则): 学生必须至少在67%的累计学分中取得满意的成绩. This calculation is performed by dividing the cumulative total number of successfully completed credits by the cumulative total number of credits attempted. 所有在学院修的学分(审计除外), 必须在班级普查日期前填写的资料)包括在内吗. 所有在转学中被接受的学分都算作尝试过的和成功完成的学分. 这项评估将在奖学金颁发之前进行,并在学生入学的每个学期结束时公布成绩之后进行. 在学院取得满意成绩的学分是指成绩达到a的学分, B, C, D, S, 或者P是挣来的. 

最长工作时间(150%规则):  才能继续接受经济援助, 学生必须在修满该课程所需学分的150%之前完成该课程的学习.  发展和ESL课程不包括在这个计算中. Attempted credits from all enrollment periods at the College plus all accepted transfer credits are counted; whether or not the student received financial aid for those terms is of no consequence. 

Note: Federal-student loan borrowers must meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the point of loan certification 和 again prior to the disbursement of any loan proceeds.

转学:  Credits officially accepted in transfer will be counted in determining the maximum number of allowable semester credit hours for financial aid eligibility. 

二学位学生:   如果学生改变课程或尝试第二个学位或证书,则必须计算从第一个学位或证书中获得的学分.   视情况而定,可以提出上诉.

ESL与发展研究: Students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 semester hours of Developmental Studies courses as long as the courses as long as the student is in an eligible program of study, 和SAP需求继续得到满足.  ESL学分的数量是无限的,只要他们是一个合格的项目的一部分,并继续满足SAP的要求. 


  • 撤回als (W grades) that are recorded on the student’s permanent academic transcript will be included as credits attempted 和 will have an adverse effect on the student’s ability to meet the requirements of the completion rate for financial aid.
  • 未完成成绩:未完成成绩的课程计入累计学分. 在取得成功成绩之前,这些学分不能作为进度标准中的学分使用.
  • 重复的课程使学生获得更高的累积平均绩点. Students can repeat courses with financial aid until successfully completed but repeating courses adversely affects the student’s ability to meet completion rate requirements.  经济资助可以考虑成功完成的课程,重复取得更高的成绩,但只有一个额外的尝试.  只有最近一次的尝试才会计入累积平均绩点. 

B. 定性标准

累积绩点要求(GPA规则): 这样才有资格申请经济援助, 学生必须满足基于递进量表的最低累积平均成绩要求. 只包括成绩为A、B、C、D和F的非补习课程.  退出等级包括在总学分尝试数. 不包括转帐学分.  为了毕业,最低的累积平均绩点为2.0是必需的.










3. 重新获得经济援助的资格

Students who do not meet the credit progression requirements (Quantitative or Pace of Completion) 和/or cumulative grade point average requirements (Qualitative) will be immediately ineligible for financial aid.  Removal from financial aid does not prevent students from enrolling without financial aid if they are otherwise eligible to continue their enrollment.

除非有情有可原的情况,并准予上诉(见“四. 《大陆博彩平台》(索取更多资料), a student in financial aid suspension should expect to continue classes at his or her own expense until satisfactory academic progress requirements are again met.

Students who fail to meet these Satisfactory Academic Progress St和ards 和 who choose to enroll without benefit of student financial aid may request a review of their academic records after any term in which they are enrolled without the receipt of financial aid to determine whether they have again met satisfactory academic progress st和ards.  如果符合标准, 资格在学年的后续学期入学时恢复. Students should consult their campus financial aid advisors for assistance in appealing any element of this policy or to determine how to regain eligibility for financial aid.

IV. 上诉

在某些情况下, 不符合SAP标准并失去经济援助资格的学生可以对经济援助暂停提出上诉.  学生必须清楚地说明停学的原因,也必须清楚地说明有什么变化使学生现在能够成功.  在下列情况下,鼓励上诉:

  • 存在情有可原的情况(一).e., student’s serious illness or accident; death, accident or serious illness in the immediate family; other mitigating circumstances), or
  • 不符合150%标准的学生, may appeal under the following circumstances: dislocated workers or displaced homemaker whose previous course work prevents them from seeking gainful employment or students that have successfully progressed through a minimum of half of a program 和 otherwise meet the GPA 和 completion requirements of SAP.


  • 完整填写学院的SAP申诉表,
  • 附上支持上诉的文件, 包括一份顾问声明,显示150%上诉的毕业剩余学分, 和
  • 将所有项目提交给学院财政援助办公室.

只有完整的申诉提交,与文件,将由财政援助办公室进行评估.  这是最后的决定.  根据具体情况,学生可能需要完成额外的要求(例如.e., 咨询职业顾问或其他类型的顾问, 与顾问会面,制定完成学业的进度计划, 限制人数, 等.),上诉才获批准.  目标是帮助学生回到毕业的轨道上.  The reasonableness of the student’s ability for improvement to again meet SAP st和ards 和 complete the student’s program of study will be carefully considered. 上诉将被批准或拒绝.  上诉被批准的学生将在下一学期处于见习状态.  试用期间, 学生必须满足由财政援助办公室传达给他或她的上诉条件, 否则该学生将继续休学.  如果学术进步计划已被财政援助预先批准, 继续满足该计划的要求将使学生恢复良好的信誉.